Kathashtakam Global Storytellers’ Collective

Founder Enlit Kids Kathashtakam Global Storytellers Collective

Scientist-turned-word artist,
Founder KBSSS

Nature Activist

Teacher Trainer
Storyteller and Author

Writer & Storyteller

Dr. Swati Jain
Storyteller, Writer

Miti Sant
Storyteller, Entrepreneur
KTGlobal has been hosting events in schools and libraries for many years and all our events are organized in a very professional manner. We have been a partner in a few key events in Pune and other parts of India, like PILF, Pune Book Festival , World Book Fair and Kala Ghoda Festival. Our accomplished storytellers bring an immersive story experience. Our Green Enli-Lit Fest 2024 was the United Nations Environment Program while our own signature festival The En-Lit Fest has been appreciated by many school leaders and parents.
Along with fun and creativity, we address topics like environment and sustainability, STEAM, anger management, neurodiversity, child safety, self awareness etc.
We use authentic storytelling techniques like puppetry, Kamishibai, drama based storytelling etc.
We also conduct workshops on creative writing, storycraft, poetry, art of illustration/ cartoons, theatre etc.